Our Inherent Divinity with Bruce Burger
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Today we commune with guest Bruce Burger, author of the exceptional Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness, published by North Atlantic Books in 1998, teacher and practitioner of Polarity Therapy, and founder of the Heartwood Institute in 1978. At Heartwood, Bruce has said he participated in “a revolution in the understanding and practice of holistic healing, and the emergence of Energy Medicine”. Bruce discusses his great passion for the ancient wisdom traditions and how they have informed his understanding of the nature of consciousness. We hear of his travels to India as a young seeker after finding disenchantment with the western, materialistic worldview, and tales of renowned teachers and adepts such as Osho, S.N. Goenka, Papaji, Satya Sai Baba and Vanamali Mataji.
Bruce shares the philosophy of Samkhya, where the cause of suffering is ignorance of our own inherent divinity, and how knowledge or realization of the self is the balm for this suffering. He emphasizes the essential role of therapeutic presence in healing work, and how trauma can be resolved when sacred space is held for us to be safe and present in our body. He explains how everything that exists is a self-organising and self-correcting field of polarities, and reminds us of the ecstasy of embodiment, the inherent joy that comes with this human experience if we can only tap into it.
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