
Your Partners in Energetic Health

Healing takes commitment and consistency. We provide the expertise, support and tools for your unique journey.

The Future of Wellness.

Field Dynamics is all about reconnecting to inner resources and prioritizing our healing, from the inside out. We’re passionate about the transformative effects of energy healing and sharing its powerful benefits.

Whether you seek relief from limiting beliefs, emotional blockages, unconscious patterns or simply wish to realign your energy for greater vitality and quality of life, our world-class energy healing trainings and custom private sessions are designed to meet your unique needs. We’re committed to guiding you on your journey to holistic wellness and spiritual awakening. Experience the profound benefits of energy work and discover a renewed sense of balance, clarity and freedom in your life.

Energy Healing as a Universal Practice

Our mission is to establish energy healing as a universal and accessible practice. We’re here to help people heal, awaken and realize their full potential. Based on the core values of integrity, equality, transparency and personal responsibility, Field Dynamics is non-dogmatic in ethos and approach. We believe the cornerstone for collective change is individual transformation. Let’s focus on what unites us not what divides us. Ultimately, we are all one.

How Energy Healing Works

At Field Dynamics we’re all about making the art of energy healing and holistic wellness transparent and accessible.

Energy healing is a method which unblocks and restores flow to the electromagnetic field (the auric field, or biofield) that surrounds the physical body. Energy blocks are made of unresolved psycho-emotional issues in the form of repressed emotions, trauma, limiting beliefs and more. By releasing areas of blockage in the energy system, issues can be processed and resolved. Working with the energy field in this way can bring about significant shifts, providing the space for insight, healing and greater inner peace. Together we learn through our direct experience how shifting our energy transforms our life.

We Stand Out, Here’s How.


Healing isn’t just a practice, it’s a holistic process.


Providing the tools for comprehensive personal development.

Innovative & Integrative

A synthesis of the ancient and the modern, the scientific and the spiritual.

Expert Facilitation

Providing a safe space and a supportive framework for your process.


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Meet the Founders

We created Field Dynamics in 2018 because energy healing and understanding the role of the human energy field in health and wellbeing has had a profound effect on our lives. Seven years of working with hundreds of individuals has demonstrated just how incredibly beneficial and transformative energy healing is. Our desire is for more people to experience these extensive benefits so they too can resolve and move past their limitations, and step into their freedom.

Explore Our Training

Want to be an energy healer? View our world-class energy healing training program and find the right course for your schedule and budget.

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Book a Consult

If you have questions about our training or want to discuss private sessions, schedule a free consult and find out if this practice is a good fit for you.

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