I’m Not Coming Back: Experiencing Enlightenment with Ananda Abinou
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Ananda Abinou achieved his enlightenment in 1973. Since that time he has travelled extensively, giving freely to whomever sought his knowledge. In 2001 he released his teachings to the public in the book I’m Not Coming Back; Talks With Ananda Abinou (Epinoc Publishing). Ananda muses on all things consciousness related, from esoteric teachings to the nature of reality. He has been called a Black Buddha and the Sage of the West. In this meditative episode Ananda shares his awakening process, the act of letting go at a radical level, and how he didn’t come to awakening through any spiritual system. We discuss what enlightenment is in relation to what he calls “the moment”, how psychological tension effects the body and the physical adjustments he experienced after his spiritual awakening. Ananda shares how reality is a “vibrational frequency”, and the importance of the power of choice, focus and responsibility. He highlights how we limit ourselves through our investment in beliefs and how an individual contributes to the collective. He discusses moving beyond duality and coming to wholeness, the singularity of consciousness and our responsibility to truthfulness. Finally, Ananda exemplifies the importance of laughter, joy and why it’s important not to take things so seriously!
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