Flower Essences as Vibrational Medicine for Healing The Soul with Patricia Kaminski

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Join us on a journey of remedies and resonance with Patricia Kaminski, co-director of the Flower Essence Society alongside Richard Katz since 1980. Together they have authored numerous books about flower essences, including the best-selling Flower Essence Repertory. They also manage Flower Essence Services, which produces flower essences and herbal products at Terra Flora, their 27-acre Biodynamic garden in the Sierra foothills of California. Patricia shares her personal journey in which she discovered the profound power of flower essences. Presenting the history of flower essences and their progenitor, Dr. Edward Bach, Patricia explains how to understand and articulate the characteristics of a flower in relation to their healing characteristics. She shares how a materialist worldview limits our ability to understand how nature is working at subtler levels, and how making a remedy is about the critical synergy of the four elements in tandem with the flower’s unique essence. Patricia discusses her favourite combination remedies for foundational healing, and describes how flower essences create a resonant effect at the energetic and soul level of a person to catalyze healing. Sharing insightful case studies, she brings us practical advice on integrating flower remedies into our daily lives and the transformative power of using words and affirmations alongside them. We uncover the key qualities for healing practitioners who make use of flower remedies, underscoring the importance of presence, empathy and vision in guiding clients along their healing paths. Learn about Patricia’s humanitarian work and how she’s encouraging a conscious awakening to nature’s sentience and inherent healing qualities, and discover how these natural remedies offer emotional balance and an awakening to our authentic selves.

Patricia helped design and majored in the first Women’s Studies Program at the University of Nebraska, and helped found a unique counselling centre for women students. She first discovered the remarkable effectiveness of English flower remedies in helping children with learning problems such as dyslexia, and in a counselling program for juvenile offenders. She has studied widely in the fields of healing and plant science, including Waldorf education and Goethean plant science. Patricia has also authored Flowers That Heal, which describes the fundamental principles of flower essence therapy.



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