Embodiment in Yoga, Tantra & Self-Realization with Tara Judelle
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Tara Judelle has taught yoga around the world for over 20 years. With asana as a gateway, Tara steeped herself in the non-dual philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism or Tantra. In 2014 she co-created the school of Embodied Flow with Dr. Scott Lyons; an integrative blend of hatha yoga, somatics, meditation, and transpersonal psychology that elicits the experience of meditation in action. In this reflective episode we discuss how asana can be used skilfully to support our awakening process. Tara shares the philosophy of tantra and how it informs her practice as well as the influence of her own teachers Sally Kempton and Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen. She explains the concept of ’embodied anatomy’ and what it really means to have freedom. Tara shares how in order to fully inhabit the body, healing must first take place, and how tapping into healing energy happens naturally when coming into a place of stillness within or by touching the “ground of being”. We discuss the importance of getting in touch with the memory and resonance of early embryological aspects of our bodies, and how macrocosmic, universal energy flows are reflected in the movements of our physical body. Tara’s classes focus on the discovery of embodied anatomy, bringing to the yogic tradition a scientific yet playful study of the movement vocabulary of the body and the ever-expanding perceptual awareness of the human mind. Following an initial move from Los Angeles to direct a yoga program and retreat center in Bali for several years, Tara now teaches workshops, retreats and teacher trainings worldwide; her dynamic style bringing ease and authenticity into a new yoga culture.
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