Discovering Past Life Regression Therapy & The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Patricia Walsh
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This episode promises a deep exploration into the mysteries of past life regression therapy and its profound impact on healing current life traumas. Joining us is Patricia Walsh, a certified Deep Memory Process (DMP) regression practitioner and Chief Trainer for Dr. Roger Woolger’s Institute of Deep Memory Process. After several years of research and several thousand case studies she authored Understanding Karmic Complexes: Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy (2009). Whether you believe in the possibility of past lives, or simply connect to the idea of the power of the subconscious, Patricia’s expertise illuminates the therapeutic process of accessing targeted subconscious memories to offer a transformative healing potential. She presents a model of the soul’s journey in which it carries the weight of unresolved issues in the energy of the subtle bodies, shaping our present experiences and potentially manifesting as chronic ailments or unexplained fears. Our conversation navigates the intriguing parallels between Western psychology and Eastern philosophy, exploring a compelling narrative that bridges the gap between Freud’s repetition compulsion and the Vedantic concept of samskaras. We investigate how the Tibetan Bardo states can be used as a therapeutic framework to navigate the afterlife – where just like birth, death is also viewed as a pivotal moment whose imprints can be revisited and resolved. We discuss ancestral spirits and the value of healing ancestral trauma. We also touch upon the intriguing subject of what Patricia calls earthbound spirits, and how they can become attached to people energetically. Whether it’s confronting the concept of karma or the power of accessing subconscious memory through associative imagery this episode is a testament to the untapped potential within our own psyche. Join us as we share Patricia’s heartfelt experiences and practical insights on how past life regression therapy can facilitate profound healing and personal transformation. By revisiting and resolving the imprints of past existences, we open the door to understanding the eternal journey of the soul, healing ancestral echoes, and awakening to our inner cosmos.
Patricia is also a certified Evolutionary Astrologer from the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology. Drawing from over 20 years of experience in working with the human psyche she recently created Kairos Astrology: An Experiential Training for Astrologers. She is also an instructor for the Soul Wise School of Evolutionary Astrology.
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