Bridging Consciousness & Science: Unveiling Gene Expression, Vibrations & Energy Healing with Dr. Garret Yount

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What is the connection between molecular biology, gene regulation and consciousness? In today’s episode with Garret Yount, PhD we discuss his great passion for using the scientific method to explore consciousness and extended human capacities. We invite you to step into the intriguing realms of how a scientist approaches energy healing, the human biofield and psychokinesis. We consider a lucid dreaming study that altered gene expression, dream work that helped individuals with PTSD, and a new experiment on telepathy focusing on the gut brain. Author of “Why Vibes Matter and How to Use Our Energy Wisely”, Garret also explores the concept of the science of vibrations through three types of vibes – conscious, subconscious and superconscious, and how they shape our daily lives. We delve into the phenomenon of neural coupling, emotional residue and conditioned spaces – including a compelling experiment with random number generators reacting to a conditioned space. Ultimately, we consider the limitations of the current scientific paradigm of materialism and ask what the implications would be for us to have an inaccurate model of reality. This episode is a must-listen for anyone intrigued by the intersection of science and spirituality.

Garret Yount, PhD, is a Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He began his formal studies in consciousness research with a small grant from the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1995, which allowed him to work with biofield practitioners and spiritual healers in the laboratory. Dr. Yount was among the first scientists to be awarded a Research Project Grant from the National Institutes of Health to study energy healing. He has spoken nationally and co-authored peer-reviewed papers on the topic of establishing rigorous guidelines for research into biofields and micro-psychokinesis. Dr. Yount obtained his BS from the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology at the Pennsylvania State University, and his PhD from the Department of Neurobiology & Behavior at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

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