Energy Anatomy

Multidimensionality: The Auric Field and Energy Anatomy

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Are you intrigued by the human energy field, the aura, the biofield, or the “light body”? Learn how we can understand our multidimensional nature from both modern science and spiritual tradition. Make sure to bring your curiosity to this fascinating and relevant topic.

Key Topics

Higher Dimensions

Imagine a world beyond the three dimensions we know. Higher dimensions, or multidimensionality are concepts that extend our understanding of space beyond length, width, and height. These abstract realms, while difficult to visualize, play crucial roles in advanced physics and mathematics – and maybe the human energy field. From string theory’s 10 dimensions to the mind-bending possibilities of the fourth dimension, higher dimensions challenge our perception of reality. They offer new ways to solve complex problems and may hold keys to unlocking the universe’s deepest mysteries.


The amplituhedron is a groundbreaking geometric structure in theoretical physics that has revolutionized our understanding of particle interactions. Discovered by physicists Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka in 2013, this multidimensional shape simplifies complex calculations in quantum field theory. The theory suggests that the nature of the universe, in may be described with geometry. This mathematical marvel not only streamlines calculations but also hints at deeper, underlying principles in the fabric of the universe, potentially bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and gravity.

The Blue Brain Project

The Blue Brain Project, launched in 2005 by EPFL in Switzerland, is an ambitious endeavor to create a digital reconstruction of the human brain. This groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize our understanding of brain function and structure using advanced computer simulations. The Blue Brain Project has discovered that the brain operates on multiple dimensions, not just the three dimensions that people are typically aware of. The project’s models describe the brain as being made up of geometrical structures and spaces that are multi-dimensional. As research progresses, the Blue Brain Project could potentially transform neuroscience, medicine, and artificial intelligence, offering unprecedented insights into the most complex organ in the human body.

Chakra Shapes & Geometry

Chakras, core aspects of the energy anatomy, are often represented by specific geometric shapes. These shapes are believed to reflect the vibrational pattern and function of each chakra. These chakra geometries may provide the missing key to integrating ancient spiritual understanding with modern scientific research regarding the nature of spacetime, the mind-body connection, and the interconnectivity of the universe.

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