Transformational Stories

Melinda Collins, EHT-100 Graduate

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“My sense of peace, unconditional love, flexibility and resourcefulness seem more deeply anchored. I have more energy, greater focus, a more profound sense of compassion and grounding. Energy healing is now an integral part of my own daily spiritual practice. I am so grateful!”

Hello Melinda, do tell us a little bit about yourself!

I recently completed the EHT-100 training. I live in Massachusetts in the USA, in a joyful and fun three generation interspecies household!

What did you enjoy most about the EHT-100 training?

One of my favorite parts of the EHT-100 course was the opportunity to learn and practice with new friends from across the world. My cohort still practices together in pairs and as a group. Practice makes for faster more durable learning and a caring community. My garden is a great passion and joy for me, and part of the EHT course focuses on the natural world, including plants and fungi! The training has brought my relationship with, and service to, the natural world to a whole new level that will continue to unfold more and more deeply. What a blessing!

What benefits have you noticed from the course, and the practice of energy healing?

Healing and spiritual evolution have been the biggest graces. My sense of peace, unconditional love, flexibility and resourcefulness seem more deeply anchored. I have more energy, greater focus, a more profound sense of compassion and grounding. Energy healing is now an integral part of my own daily spiritual practice. I am so grateful!

How was the six month, eight module course structure for you?

The six month structure with a weekend of learning every three weeks was just right for my schedule. I could attend my family and other life components and the learning. The material was so well organized that no matter how new it was to me, it always felt manageable. Keith and Christabel are effective, gracious teachers. The experiential focus was a critical factor in my learning success and my healing and evolution, as was my personal session work.

How have you taken the skills and tools learnt in the training out into the world?

It is my joy and privilege to work with others on their spiritual direction. The EHT-100 provides powerful tools to aid clients in their soul evolution. Supporting spiritual work directly at the energetic level provides leverage at a foundational level that interfaces with all facets of the human-spirit being. This leverage is not only powerful in its effect, but also in its speed and progression. The variety of tools and applications of the EHT are anchored in the unfolding scientific convergence with spiritual understanding. The work is limited only by imagination, attention, focus, and will. Everyone grows, including the practitioner!

Thank you, Melinda.

Applications are now open for our next EHT-100 training. If you would like to arrange a consult to discuss if this training is the right choice for you, do reach out to us!

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