Transformational Stories

Martha McClure, EHT-200 Graduate

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“I am excited about the potential of psychotherapy to evolve and more fully incorporate the understanding that energy is an essential medium with and in which to work. While I think my journey as a professional counsellor is just beginning, I’m grateful to be part of a new frontier, a wave of change.”

Hello Martha, do tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m in private practice as a licensed clinical mental health practitioner in New Hampshire, USA. I studied Transpersonal Psychology at Naropa University while completing training as a Gestalt therapist. I’ve been a pretty committed meditation practitioner since 2000, and value the impact a contemplative practice brings to psychotherapy. In 2014, I fell in love with the non-dual understanding; the recognition of Consciousness as the basis of reality initiated an endless and life-altering exploration into the phenomenological field and the potential therein, professionally as well as personally. In my non-clinical hours, I’m outside. Running, hiking, paddling; moving in Nature brings my system restoration, clarity, and balance. Happiness.

What initially attracted you to energy healing, and the EHT course?

“It was an intuitive knowing. Years of working as a therapist left me frustrated and discouraged, feeling that contemporary psychotherapy focuses too intently on human limitations and brokenness. I wanted my activities in the field of counselling to better align with my developing recognition around the nature of Mind and the infinite potential which lives in human consciousness.”

What was the most surprising or unexpected element of the training for you?

I was blown away by the comprehensiveness of the program offerings. The extent of Keith and Christabel’s cumulative understanding and their capacity to translate this material into effective tools and teachings is unparalleled in my experience. I continue to struggle with the expansiveness of the offerings, but I’ve learned patience; I see the value of finding my unique journey into the material and how I can bring it to bear on my unfolding as a practitioner.

How was the course structure for you? Were there any points of confusion or overwhelm?

The six month structure of both the EHT-100 and EHT-200 was highly effective for my individual learning rhythm and work schedule/personal life balance. The space between meetings allowed me to delve deeply into the tools as well as schedule partner exchanges with my classmates. Living in a remote area, I was grateful to connect with people from other parts of the planet and it was very helpful to become better acquainted with the online experience of energy work so that it was more natural as a modality in my counselling work. The most demanding aspect of the training for me was the energy intensive weekends, occurring twice in each six month program. These two days of in-depth practice and tools application are…. intense! I was always grateful for the demand on my system, however; the impact altered my way of moving in and through the world.

What changes have others noticed in you since you started your practice? What changes have you noticed in yourself?

I’d love to report that I’ve only felt lighter, more clear and awakened since the start of this wonderful journey! But that just isn’t life, it’s not a straight line. I’m aware of life experience being wave-like; an ongoing rhythm, periods of contraction leading to expansion: difficult moments of confusion, discouragement, and heaviness leading to release, deeper insights on the nature of mind, and relaxation, relief. My meditation practice was historically more rooted in feeling myself as an open, witnessing presence (thoughts, sensations, perceptions, emotions, etc). Since the Field Dynamics program, I tend to balance my sitting practice: spacious presence blended with focused and intentional exploration and attention. I appreciate the library of tools and numerous protocols from which to draw.

What do you think has been your biggest takeaway from the training?

I am excited about the potential of psychotherapy to evolve and more fully incorporate the understanding that energy is an essential medium with and in which to work. While I think my journey as a professional counsellor is just beginning, I’m grateful to be part of a new frontier, a wave of change. This can also be my greatest challenge; trusting rather than pressurising or forcing the process of exploration. I’m willing to relax into the unfolding rather than be overwhelmed and discouraged by the distance still to go.

Now that you’ve completed the experience, how would you describe the process to someone considering the training?

My advice to someone who’s considering this training: “Tune in to yourself. Balance the offerings of your mind with the impulses of your heart and the inclinations of your body’s energy field.” The course work isn’t a panacea for any and every difficulty in your life. It is a doorway into profound intimacy with the nature of your being and the intelligence of your life’s flow.

Thank you, Martha.

Applications are now open for our next EHT-100 training. If you would like to arrange a consult to discuss if this training is the right choice for you, do reach out to us!

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