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Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about energy healing.

Private Sessions

A session begins with a discussion about what to focus on. If it’s your first session, more information is gathered to better understand your circumstance. If you’re doing a series of sessions, the discussion is an update about previous work and progress.

Experience during a session can vary greatly depending on the individual and the issue being worked on. People commonly report memory recall, deep relaxation, varying body sensations, emotions, dream-like altered states, insights and more. Commentary is provided – when appropriate – about what’s happening in your system and you may be asked questions relevant to the changes taking place. Sometimes your attention will be guided to a particular area of your body so you can receive the most benefit.

At the close of the session we review your experience. Insights are shared, highlighting connections between the subtle anatomy, the issue being addressed and the broader life context. Making these connections provides a holistic framework for understanding your process. Sometimes complementary practices are also suggested.

Generally speaking, you can expect to process changes for the following 48 – 72 hours. People commonly experience increased sleep, emotional release, improved vitality, energetic sensitivity, etc. Most relevant are increased clarity and insights about the issue being addressed.

While a single session can make quite an impact, deeper issues consist of many layers. If you have a significant issue you’d like to address, a series of sessions is suggested. Multiple sessions get to the foundation of issues and provide ongoing support.

Session work is effective whether in person or at a distance. Connecting to and reading the energy system is available in either circumstance! The physical connection of an in-person session allows for a different experience, but the potency of distance work is similar. Due to current circumstance, we are only offering online distance work at present.

We specialize in and utilize energy healing as our primary technique, using energy healing tools from the Field Dynamics library. Energy healing works by making changes to the human energy field where there are blocks or imbalance, thereby creating inner space and freedom. As practitioners we may incorporate or integrate other skill sets and modalities, specific to our education.

We schedule for 75 minute private energy healing sessions. This provides ample time for depth work.

We’ve seen how energy healing can have a broad range of benefits. Some notable potential benefits are stress reduction, deep relaxation and tranquility, emotional harmony, insight, increased self-awareness, spiritual or personal growth or as a complementary holistic approach to chronic conditions.

It’s important to understand that energy healing is truly holistic. We are considering the mind, body, spirit connection and how that relates to our issues, health and wellness.

Energy healing is often used to address a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions. While scientific evidence is still limited, many individuals report positive experiences with energy healing for specific issues. Here are some conditions and issues that energy healing is particularly noted for being effective: stress and anxiety, emotional imbalance, trauma and for overall wellness or spiritual growth.

While one session can have an impact, we tend to suggest considering three sessions or more if you have an issue you want to explore more deeply. Generally, ongoing sessions enables access to the deeper levels of an issue. Some people may want to book a few sessions for a specific issue while others may want to invest in ten sessions to have regular contact and an ongoing exploration with a practitioner.

We recommend the pacing of sessions not be more than once a week. Sometimes weekly is best, but bi-weekly or even monthly is sometimes most appropriate. It is client and issue specific.

Yes, in fact energy healing is classified as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) lending itself as an adjunct to other wellness practices.

Sometimes energy healing will produce obvious effects and other times more subtle. The main feedback is to notice the changes to your inner state in relation to what you’re working on.

Energy healing is, in certain ways, subtle. However, the effects can truly be profound because over time we can experience ourselves and life differently because our internal state or energy has shifted.

Energy healing does not have known side effects, however, there can be what is known as a “healing crisis”. What this means is simply that the effect of the healing can, in certain cases, amplify what was being healed or indirectly activate something else related. This is not a sign that something is wrong, per se, but that a natural healing progression is taking place. A healing crisis may seem counter intuitive to expectant results, but it’s just one of the ways in which holistic healing works.

Preparation is not required, however, it is useful to consider what you would like to focus on during the session.

Yes, we offer single sessions and have discount packages of three and ten sessions.

Yes, we have client testimonials regarding private session work displayed on the site.

We provide education during private sessions about processing and integration. Each client and circumstance is different and we share what is within our scope of practice and expertise.

As appropriate, we may suggest that a client consider attending one of our energy healing trainings to empower their own self-healing ability. Many people seem to find a synergy in having a self-practice and receiving private session work in tandem.


Energy healing is a holistic method for refining the human energy field (or biofield) by clearing energy blocks which may allow the physical body to naturally regenerate. Currently, energy healing is recognized as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and may be used as a standalone modality or as an adjunct to other holistic wellness practices.

The energy being referred to in energy healing is electromagnetic and has gone by different names in different cultures, such as prana, qi, subtle energy, life force and vital energy. Seeing and feeling electromagnetic fields is one of many skills commonly referred to as extrasensory perception.

Energy healing is for anyone interested in transformation. There are no ‘special skills’ required to do energy healing – anyone can do it – you simply have to invest time and effort into developing a practice! Field Dynamics offers a path for those looking to utilize the potency and dynamism of energy healing for their personal development.

Absolutely, Foundations is ideal for those learning energy healing for the first time.

Immediately, on day one! Anyone interested can learn to become an energy healer.

Yes, in addition to specific energy healing tools we also incorporate guidance for therapeutic presence, body and field scanning techniques as well as sensing exercises to develop extrasensory perception.

Foundations provides a variety of learning and skill development in just 10 hours. We cover the basics of energy anatomy, how energy healing works, how to understand and sense your energy blocks, chakra healing and the basics of working with other people. A feature of the training is learning how to use energy healing tools for your practice.

Anyone can benefit from our Foundations training who is interested in learning a foundational energy healing practice or who wants to expand upon pre-existing practices. Afterwards, many people choose to move onto our primary training, the EHT-100.

Foundations is currently formatted as a live, online energy healing course. We offer two formats: a 2 day, single weekend intensive or a 2 week, 4 class version. Please see our events calendar for upcoming energy healing classes.

Our 10 hour Foundations class in an investment of $240. Additionally, we have a supported scholarship option (50% off) for those who could not otherwise attend.

Yes, our introductory course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to start practicing energy healing. However, further training and practice are recommended to deepen your understanding and proficiency as an energy healer.

The Foundations training does teach you how to work on others and provides time for practice. While you will be able to perform energy healing on others as a result of this training, Field Dynamics considers the maturation of an energy healer to be a long-term endeavour. The Field Dynamics EHT program (including both 100hr and 200hr trainings) is our comprehensive and professional training, which we recommend for those who are particularly interested in working with others.

We use an approximately 35 page course manual as the primary content guide for the course.

Foundations healing is an ideal alternative and complement to a Reiki training – providing potent and effective energy healing tools and techniques that expand upon it. Foundations offers as much – if not more – than most comparable Reiki trainings in terms of the energy healing tools provided, the core skill development for healing work and the contemporary framework you’ll understand about how and why energy healing works.

There are no prerequisites for the EHT program, however, Foundations does offer a great entry level training experience with energy healing and Field Dynamics! It is a good way to try us out. We recommend Foundations to those considering the EHT program and offer an incredible incentive: for those who choose to go on to participate in our EHT-100 training, your entire course fee for Foundations will be deducted from the EHT-100 training course fee!

Yes, Foundations is our entry level training and we recommend the EHT program for people who are looking for a comprehensive, professional level energy healing training. The EHT program is comprised of the EHT-100 and the subsequent EHT-200 which enables a high level of skill development, a format for personal development and provides the option for energy healing certification.

Foundations is our introductory energy healing course and you may request a certificate of completion – however, this does not mean you are certified by Field Dynamics. The good news is, we do offer energy healing certification through our EHT program.

To sign up you simply choose the class format and dates which suit your schedule. All relevant info is on the Foundations training page.


The EHT is a comprehensive and professional energy healing training and personal development course. We cover a vast array of techniques including energy healing, extrasensory perception development, therapeutic presence, body and field scanning, breathing techniques, chakra healing, embodiment practices and much more. For specific content, please refer to the EHT-100 Training page.

The EHT-100 is for people looking for an education in energy healing with breadth and depth who are dedicated to their personal development. Some people attend primarily to advance their inner work while others are attracted to the professional development and career potentials.

The EHT-100 does not require prior experience or skills to attend. It is structured to be suitable for both experienced practitioners as well as beginners.

The EHT-100 takes place over six months. For those looking to become certified energy healers, we offer the advanced EHT-200 which is also six months duration. On average, people complete the full EHT program over the course of eighteen months. We have found this to be an ideal amount of time for people seeking deep personal and professional development.

The EHT-100 is a live, online training formatted over eight weekend modules. On average, there is a three-week gap between modules, providing the time for self-practice and study of the previous module material. Also, there is a partner trade assignment in which students give and receive an energy healing session with a classmate.

Completion of the EHT-100 results in a certificate of completion. To become a Field Dynamics certified energy healer requires completion of the advanced EHT-200 training.

We use a 200+ page course manual as the primary content guide and also provide a suggested reading list on specific topics that we cover.

The EHT-100 is the first step towards becoming a certified energy healer with Field Dynamics. Our energy healing certification process requires the completion of the EHT-100 and EHT-200 courses along with specific requirements for certification such as case studies, a written exam and a practical demonstration with the facilitators.

We have many testimonials, transformational stories, podcast content and videos with EHT participants sharing their experience. In summation, many people find it to be deeply transformational and often a life-changing experience. In addition to the personal growth there is significant skill development as an energy healer which can be applied to various aspects of life, including career opportunities.

The EHT-100 course fee is $2,500 USD. We offer Earlybird pricing and payment plans for flexibility and ease. We also offer a scholarship program with limited spaces.

The lead facilitators make themselves available for communication and contact throughout the training and after. There is a private session included in the EHT-100 course fee and some people choose to supplement with regular private sessions throughout the training. After the training ends not only do students know everyone from their cohort but they are introduced to the broader Field Dynamics community of practitioners.

The EHT-100 is the pre-requisite for the advanced EHT-200 training. The majority of those who complete the EHT-100 go on to this advanced training. In addition, we schedule free community group energy healing sessions and standalone advanced modules for EHT graduates.

The EHT-100 training serves as an alternative or complement to a Reiki training – providing potent and effective energy healing tools and techniques that expand upon it. The EHT-100 is much longer than Reiki courses and covers broader holistic healing content and skill development.

Enrolling in the EHT-100 is easy. Simply fill out the application form on the EHT-100 Training page and then secure your place by making the deposit. If you’re considering the training and unsure if it’s the right fit for you, please schedule a free consultation to serve as an introduction and we can answer any questions you may have.


The EHT is a comprehensive and professional energy healing training and personal development course. We cover a vast array of techniques including energy healing, extrasensory perception development, therapeutic presence, body and field scanning, breathing techniques, chakra healing, embodiment practices and much more. For specific content, please refer to the EHT-200 Training page.

The EHT-200 is for graduates of the EHT-100, looking to work with advanced material and depth. In addition to personal development, the EHT-200 places significant emphasis on practitioner development and facilitation skills. Additionally, this advanced training is our format for those seeking energy healing certification.

Yes, the EHT-100 training is the pre-requisite course.

The EHT-200 is a 6 month live, online training taking place over eight select weekends, usually three weeks apart.

We use a 175+ page course manual as the primary content guide and also provide a suggested reading list on specific topics that we cover.

The EHT-200 is a progression from the EHT-100 in terms of depth and breadth. We go further into the energy anatomy and associated issues while also increasing the potency of our energy healing tools, The EHT-100 could be said to emphasize the concept of healing whereas the EHT-200 brings the concept of awakening to the foreground. In the EHT-200 we explore how energy healing can be used to facilitate awakening and self-realization. Additionally, the EHT-200 content places more emphasis on becoming a professional energy healer. The EHT-200 is where we offer energy healing certification through Field Dynamics.

Completion of the EHT-100 and EHT-200 trainings along with additional certification-specific requirements such as client case studies, a written exam and a practical demonstration with the course facilitators.

We have many testimonials, transformational stories, podcast content and videos with EHT participants sharing their experience. In summation, many people find it to be deeply transformational and often a life-changing experience. In addition to the personal development there is significant skill development as an energy healer which can be applied to various aspects of life, including career opportunities.

The EHT-200 course fee is $2,500 USD. We offer Earlybird pricing and payment plans for flexibility and ease. We also offer a scholarship program with limited spaces.

The lead facilitators make themselves available for communication and contact throughout the training and after. Some people choose to supplement their EHT experience with regular private sessions throughout the training.

Yes, we schedule free community group energy healing sessions and standalone advanced modules for EHT graduates.

The EHT-200 training serves as an alternative or complement to a Reiki training – providing potent and effective energy healing tools and techniques that expand upon it. The EHT-200 is an advanced training and much longer than Reiki trainings – covering broader holistic healing content and skill development. People have frequently reported that Field Dynamics trainings are a welcome deepening of their experience with Reiki.

Enrolling in the EHT-200 requires completion of the EHT-100. If you’re considering the EHT program and are unsure if it’s the right fit, please schedule a free consultation to serve as an introduction and we can answer any questions you may have.

General Questions

Field Dynamics offers a comprehensive and professional training program that brings significant depth compared to most other programs. The skill set to practice energy healing well is considerable and we provide the tools, structure and guidance to empower students to cultivate the skills to the degree necessary for professional level, advanced practice.

Energy healing does not require any specific belief system to work.

Yes, energy healing works at a distance as well as in-person. The reason is simple: the mechanics underlying how energy healing works explains how energy field interaction is not bound by space or distance.

While energy healing is not a substitute for allopathic or mainstream medicine, it can act as an excellent complement. Energy healing is currently classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and can serve as an adjunct to allopathic care.

Energy healing is holistic, accounting for the mind, body, spirit relationship. If the issues or ailments one is experiencing are related to non-physical aspects, then energy healing can be a great complement to allopathic medicine focused at the physical level.

Yes, many energy healers study other modalities which support or integrate with their energy healing practice. The Field Dynamics approach to energy healing lends itself to integrating well with other modalities and holistic wellness practices.

Energy healing can be performed on both children (minors, under 18) and animals. We believe that working with children should be performed only by someone who has specialized education with children. Many people are interested in energy healing with animals and this can be done. Working with animals is quite simple and requires less time in general than working with people.

We suggest you consider who you are naturally drawn to working with. Consider a practitioner’s education and experience. You may want to reach out to a practitioner and ask for a consultation and allow for an introduction to further inform you.

Train With Us

Comprehensive and professional trainings to achieve the healing and growth you desire. Unlock your potential as an energy healer.

Train With Us