Energy Anatomy

Energy Healing 101: For Seekers & Skeptics – What You Need To Know

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All about energy work. Learn about your electromagnetic, multidimensional self. Broad discussion for those with an existing interest but also equally useful for those healthy skeptics out there. For many of you with an existing holistic practice, energy healing is a practical next step if you’re interested in subtle energy, extrasensory perception and depth work. I try and keep the lecture “light” – how appropriate – enjoy!

Key Subjects

Auric Field

The auric field, also known as the human energy field, is an electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. This biofield contains information about an individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual state. Holistic healing practices, such as Reiki and energy healing, work with the auric field to promote balance and well-being. A healthy, open and balanced auric field contributes to overall holistic wellness.

Higher Consciousness

Higher consciousness refers to aspects of the mind that are beyond the egoic or personality level. Energy healing makes explicit use of higher consciousness which allows individuals to access deep levels of self-transformation while providing a direct experience of the interconnectivity of the universe. Working with higher consciousness often results in a profound shift in perspective regarding identity and purpose.

Energy Blocks

Energy blocks are forms of distortion or fragmentation n which disrupt the flow of energy within the auric field. These obstructions are caused by factors like stress, trauma, or negative thought patterns, energy blocks can leave us feeling stuck or imbalanced. Recognizing these blockages is the first step towards healing, with practices like meditation, energy healing, or lifestyle changes offering potential pathways to restore harmony and vitality to our energetic systems.

Subtle Energy

Subtle energy, also known as chi, prana and life force energy, is a concept rooted in various holistic and spiritual traditions. This non-physical energy is believed to permeate all living things and the environment around us. While not detectable by conventional scientific instruments, practitioners of energy healing modalities like Reiki, Field Dynamics and acupuncture work with subtle energy to promote balance and well-being. Understanding and harnessing subtle energy may offer insights into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, potentially opening new avenues for holistic health and personal growth.

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