Holistic Healing

Are Past Lives Real? For Seekers & Skeptics Alike

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Are past lives real? Explore the possible mechanisms of “past-life”, transpersonal memory in this stimulating and thought-provoking talk. From karma and reincarnation to the collective unconscious, genetics and symbolism: this is an engaging lecture for both seekers and skeptics alike. Enjoy!

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Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology that explores the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience. This field extends beyond traditional psychological frameworks to incorporate altered states of consciousness, mystical experiences, and personal transformation. Transpersonal psychologists study phenomena such as peak experiences, self-realization, and spiritual awakening, aiming to understand how these experiences contribute to psychological growth and well-being. The discipline integrates insights from various spiritual traditions with modern psychological theories, offering a holistic approach to human development. This field has significant implications for therapeutic practices, personal development, and our understanding of human potential, challenging conventional boundaries of psychological inquiry.

Reincarnation & Karma

Reincarnation, a concept central to several world religions and philosophical traditions, posits that the soul or consciousness of an individual is reborn into a new body after death. This belief suggests a cyclical view of existence where life, death, and rebirth form a continuous process. Proponents of reincarnation argue that it offers an explanation for certain current life circumstances – that actions in past lives effect the current one —a principle known as karma.

Karma posits that an individual’s actions and intentions directly influence their future experiences. This ethical cause-and-effect principle operates across multiple lifetimes, shaping one’s destiny through the accumulation of positive or negative energy. In essence, karma suggests that good deeds lead to favorable outcomes, while harmful actions result in adverse consequences. This cosmic law of moral causation extends beyond mere fatalism, emphasizing personal responsibility and the power of free will. Understanding karma offers a framework for personal growth and spiritual development, reminding us that our choices today shape our tomorrow.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that employs techniques to recover memories purportedly from previous lifetimes. This practice, rooted in the belief of reincarnation, involves guiding individuals to explore experiences and events from past lives. Proponents argue that past life regression can offer insights into current behaviors, phobias, or relationships by uncovering their potential origins in previous existences. Critics suggest that “memories” uncovered during sessions may be products of imagination or inadvertent suggestion. Despite ongoing debates, past life regression continues to intrigue those seeking alternative approaches to self-discovery and psychological healing, highlighting the complex intersection of spirituality, psychology, and human curiosity about the nature of consciousness and existence.

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