Christabel Armsden

Christabel is a healing practitioner, teacher and speaker specializing in the human energy field and the dynamics of energetic exchange. Her work focuses on how we may better understand and incorporate self-awareness via our communication, relationships, and emotions. An exceptional space-holder, she has studied various modalities over the decades including forms of energy work, body work, coaching and meditation.

She founded Field Dynamics in 2018 to increase the awareness and accessibility of energy healing as a universal and contemporary practice. Guided by the principle that personal healing is the foundation for collective change, Christabel feels honoured by the opportunity to assist people with moving beyond their limiting behaviours and stepping into a more conscious, empowered life.

Work One-One with Christabel

Christabel is currently available for private sessions. With over eight years experience working with clients in an active private practice, she has the education and insight to assist with facilitating the transformation you seek.

Innately skilled in sensing and engaging the dynamics of the human energy field, she has trained in Craniosacral Biodynamics, coaching and Family Constellation work, alongside various other modalities and supporting practices such as Nonviolent Communication. Her sessions integrate various modalities with energy healing as the core.

Private session work with Christabel can meet your unique needs and provide the support required for deep work. If you’re considering one-to-one work with Christabel, why not schedule a consultation to discuss your circumstance and whether private session work is right for you.

What Our Clients Say

  • “I found private sessions with Christabel to be amazing! Her ability to hold a sacred space as well as her intuitive expertise allowed me to work through blocks I had not even been conscious of. I highly recommend working with Christabel – her knowledge, skills, and ability serve as an example of the depth and power available with energy healing.”


  • “My work with Field Dynamics and Christabel in particular, has produced results unlike any other modality I have explored. Creating a safe space in which to explore deep work, her guidance has enabled me to access truly meaningful breakthroughs in a short amount of time.”


  • “Christabel is like no other practitioner I have worked with. Areas I am unable to move through in my self-practice open up beautifully in our sessions. She holds a space where you feel so well-held that all the noise falls away and you are able to discern what truly exists in your inner landscape. And from here, the work begins.”


  • “I highly recommend working with Christabel! I felt really heard and understood. I was challenged to stretch further and helped to see what I couldn’t see… I am so grateful that it helped me shift from the dread and self-doubt I felt to a sense of joy and desire. The session work has had a dramatic impact on my life and how I approach it.”


  • “I’ve been working with Christabel over the last year and continue to be amazed at how deep, powerful and supportive our work has been. No matter what I bring to each session, she is able to help me feel comfortable being vulnerable so that we can go deep. Her compassion, skill and deep level of caring are balanced perfectly by consistent professionalism. She is an inspiration to me as an energy healing practitioner myself and I look forward to continuing work together.”


Featured Resources by Christabel

If you’d like to hear Christabel discussing some of her favorite topics or experience her guiding a meditation, check out these resources.

Grounding Meditation for Stability & Strength

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A Prayer for Forgiveness

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Four Visions Podcast

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Book a Consult

If you have questions about what’s possible to achieve in session work with Christabel, or whether energy healing is the right fit for you, we’re here to help!

Get in Touch